Price: $108.00

L. gasseri is a stand alone probiotic with many beneficial uses.  It ameliorates viral infections, reduces belly and visceral fat as well as BMI and weight gain.  It has a beneficial effect on how the body processes, stores and eliminates sugar and fat.  It has antimicrobial and immunomodulating properties.  It has a high survival rate as it tolerates a low pH and resists bile salts.

I know the mainstream touts all of these miracle capsules that contain SO MANY strains of probiotics. You know what? When combined in this fashion they cancel each other out to a large degree. How do I know this? I took up the hobby of reading scientific studies. The other thing I learned is that the potency in these mainstream capsules isn't high enough to do any good. Unless you take a handful of them!

Storage of the probiotics is another area of concern. There are very few strains that are stable at room temperature for very long. And, who knows what happened with these probiotics before we brought them home. 

All of this lead to me contacting several labs about buying single strain probiotics directly from the source because I had such good results with the first one I tried. Very quick results I might add. I wanted to start conducting my own studies. I've been pleased with the results so far! So, I'd like to pass it on to others. 

These come in glass jars to help keep them stable. They were shipped in a special cold carton and they've been in the freezer since they arrived to me. They should be put in the fridge as soon as they arrive to you. 

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