Wintergreen oil is an analgesic and is readily absorbed through the skin.  The presence of Menthyl Salicylate induces numbness and an anesthetic effect on the nerves where the oil is applied.   Wintergreen increases blood circulation and brings warmth to the area thereby fighting pain.  It can induce relaxation, drive out stress and tension, and foster sleep. 

Wintergreen oil fights rheumatism and arthritis as it easily penetrates through the skin around the muscles and tissues and stimulates circulation of blood in that area. This activity helps to clear obstructions in the blood flow, which is one major cause behind rheumatism and arthritis, and it prevents the accumulation of toxins like uric acid in that spot. And, although it is absorbed through the skin, eventually it reaches the blood stream, stimulating and increasing urination. This speeds up the removal of toxins, such as uric acid, from the body in the urine. The removal of excess water, fats and salts through urine helps to lose weight and reduce the effects of rheumatic conditions.

The relaxing and stimulating effect of wintergreen reduces spasms in the respiratory, muscular, digestive and nervous systems, while providing relief from congestion in the chest, breathing trouble, asthma, spasmodic coughs, muscular cramps, digestive disorders, spasmodic diarrhea, convulsions and a variety of nervous afflictions.

The high degree of toxicity of this oil can make it fatal to human beings.  That means it is fatal to bacteria and other microbes such as viruses, fungi and protozoa as well. It kills Staphylococcus Aureus and cures sepsis.

Wintergreen induces contractions in muscle tissue, skin, blood vessels and hair roots resulting in firmness to the muscles and a lift to the skin, making you feel better and look younger. Hair roots are also contracted and strengthened by this astringent effect.

Wintergreen oil is highly toxic due to the presence of methyl salicylate and should never be ingested. External applications are sufficient for allowing this oil to work inside the body as it is easily absorbed through the skin and into the muscles and tissues. Accidental ingestion can cause severe damage to internal organs like the liver and kidneys. Long term or excessive use of this oil is NOT recommended.


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