Ashwaganda has been used to treat many mental and emotional disorders as well as being used against cancer tumors.  I feel that its anti-inflammatory effects are far more useful though.  It is more powerful than hydrocortisone and therefore an indispensable tool against inflammation both internally and externally.

The main chemical constituents are alkaloids and steroidal lactones including tropine and cuscohygrine. The leaves contain the steroidal lactones withanolide, most notably withaferin A.  These compounds are a large contributing factor in the anti-inflammatory properties we see from this herb.    

Ashwagandha has many uses including boosting endurance, sexual energy and stamina while helping to calm and soothe the nervous system.  It can bolster your resistance to stress and assist you in falling asleep naturally.

This herb is frequently referred to as Indian ginseng because of its rejuvenating properties and is said to impart the vigor and strength of a stallion. It has traditionally been prescribed to help people strengthen their immune system after an illness.

This herb is organic.


Ashwagandha improves learning, memory and reaction time, reduces brain cell degeneration and combats the effects of stress.  It reduces depression and anxiety without causing drowsiness, stabilizes blood sugar, lowers cholesterol and offers anti-inflammatory benefits.

In a clinical trial Ashwagandha exhibited greater clinical benefit than psychotherapy in mental health (anxiety level), concentration, fatigue, social functioning, vitality, and overall quality of life.


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