Pau D’arco has been recommended for a wide range of problems such as ringworm, bronchitis, lupus, gastritis and Hodgkin’s disease.  Its chief purpose may be the elimination of pain stemming from almost any disease.  It is quite effective at blocking parasitic invasion through the skin.

Pau d’arco bark has been used by indigenous populations for centuries to address a vast spectrum of health problems and its strong resistance to harmful organisms is widely appreciated. Pau d’arco is commonly used in treating allergies, liver problems, candida and other yeast infections.

This herb contains compounds called quinoids, benzenoids, and flavonoids which display biological activity against harmful organisms. A significant amount of pau d’arco’s benefits stem from its lapachol content. Lapachol is a compound known by the U.S department of Agriculture to be toxic and resistant to nearly all types of harmful organisms.  In addition to lapachol, pau d’arco contains beta-lapachone, which has shown toxicity to harmful organisms, similar to lapachol.

Multiple studies have shown pau d’arco to accelerate the healing of skin wounds and protect against staph infection.

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