Lavender essential oil is native to the Mediterranean region and is cultivated in France, Spain and elsewhere. It has been used for aromatic purposes by the Romans in washing water and baths. Lavender essential oil has uses in culinary, cosmetics and medicine. It is effective to cure headaches, especially when related to stress.   Lavender has a calming effect which makes it a good remedy for stress, anxiety, insomnia and even depression.  The calming effect even lends itself to skin conditions such as eczema, acne and other inflammations.  Lavender's anti-fungal properties can aid in conditions like ringworm and athlete's foot.  

Lavender oil helps with depression by improving mood and outlook. Lavender's scent eases the nerves and feelings of anxiety while being a useful treatment for headaches.  It lowers mental and emotional stress while helping to increase clarity of thought and mental activity.  Lavender is a wonderful treatment for sore or tense muscles, joint pain, rheumatism, and sprains.  It provides excellent therapeutic benefits for throat infections, the flu, colds, and sinus congestion.  It is beneficial when dealing with asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments.  Lavender lowers blood pressure, increases circulation, helps to balance hormones, increases intestinal mobility, enhances your immune system to help resist infections and disease, reduces fevers, and repel insects.  It has a tremendous ability to soothe and repair skin.  Lavender has powerful antibacterial, antiseptic, and antibiotic properties which make it excellent for cuts and scrapes.  It kills the bacteria that cause many diseases including typhoid.  Lavender is also helpful for eliminating menstrual cramps (I know because I tried it myself).

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