Thieves oil is a blend of clove, cinnamon, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus and is documented to be antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic.  The Thieves blend was created based on the historical account of four thieves living in France who protected themselves from the Black Plague with cloves, rosemary and other aromatics while robbing the victims overtaken by this disease. When they were captured they were offered a lighter sentence in exchange for their secret recipe.  People everywhere are benefiting from this recipe even today.

Thieves oil is effective against the flu virus and infectious diseases. When a virus enters the body, it is attached to the cells and then engulfed by the cells. The virus is then integrated into our genomes and it activates our cells to reproduce. Thieves oil doesn’t affect the attachment of the virus to the cells. It does not affect the proliferation of the virus in our cells. It blocks the protein synthesis of the virus so it can’t be spread.

Thieves oil has many uses around the house.  It can be diluted and used as a general cleaner.  It can be sprayed or diffused into the air as a purifier.  Use it on your pets as a natural pest repellent.  Thieves oil makes a great hand sanitizer as well when diluted with water.


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