Comfrey, also known as knitbone,  has been used for centuries to treat muscle and joint issues as it is proven to relieve pain, inflammation and swelling of muscles and joints caused by acute myalgia in the back, degenerative arthritis, sprains, strains and contusions after injuries and accidents. *

Comfrey speeds wound healing dramatically.  This includes tendons, ligaments and bones.  It helps with fibromyalgia and soothes irritated and inflamed skin.

The comfrey used in this salve is harvested on my land.  I use strictly organic practices throughout my property.  I wild craft when I can.  I have a passion for learning about each plant that grows on my property and spend an enormous amount of time researching potential benefits from them.  Typically my efforts are rewarded!

I have several comfrey patches planted around my property and I harvest the youngest, most tender leaves from at least 5 different locations. After I harvest the herbs the comfrey is immediately added to coconut oil.  This mixture sits in a sunny spot for a minimum of one month to ensure a potent infusion. This batch has been infused for over 2 years. 

DISCLAIMER:  This information is for reference purposes.  It is not intended to treat or cure any illness or disease.

Packaged in recycled glass.

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